Testo 440 Cable Handle -Part No 05542222
$166.00 + Freight & GST -
Testo 440 Humidity Temperature Probe Head -Part No 0636 9730
$245.00 + Freight & GST -
testo 440 – Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument 05604401
$811.00 + Freight & GST -
testo 440 dP – Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument 05604402
$1,096.00 + Freight & GST -
testo 440 Humidity Kit with Bluetooth® 05634404
$1,099.00 + Freight & GST -
Testo 440 Vane Probe Head -Part No 0635 9570
$1,253.00 + Freight & GST -
Testo 440 Hot Wire Kit 0563 4400
$1,348.00 + Freight & GST -
testo 440 16 mm Vane Kit 0563 4401
$1,382.00 + Freight & GST -
Testo 440 Lux Kit 05634402
$1,546.00 + Freight & GST -
testo 440 100 mm Vane Kit with Bluetooth® 05634403
$1,767.00 + Freight & GST -
Testo 440 CO2 Kit with Bluetooth 05634405
$1,920.00 + Freight & GST -
testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth 0563 4406
$2,355.00 + Freight & GST